Music is an important part of our lives. It can evoke emotions, create memories, and even affect health. Music has the power to connect us with one another and to touch parts of our lives that we might not have seen otherwise.
But did you know that there are actual symbols used to represent music? When it comes time to transcribe music, sometimes these symbols are used to denote notes, rests, and other symbols. But what do they mean? The tips in this blog post will help you get more info on how to identify music notes like a pro!
The Chromatic Scale
The chromatic scale in music is a series of twelve notes. It starts with “Do,” and goes up to “Do” again, but an octave higher. The second time it will start from the next note in the scale, “Re.”
Sharps and Flats
Sharps and flats are symbols that show the pitch of a note.
A sharp goes up in pitch by one semitone, and a flat goes down in pitch by one semitone. A natural goes up or down by half of a semitone, and is the equivalent to a half step.
The Natural Note
The natural note is also known as the “white” or “empty” note. It’s the symbol that looks like an oval with a stem on each side. What does this symbol mean? When you see it, it means there was no sound made. This symbol will be used to denote pauses between notes in order to notate rhythm.
The Accidental Note
The accidental note is the one that typically looks like a dot or a “tilde” (or an upside down “v”). This note tells you to move from the previous note up to the next one. You’ll also see this symbol as a stand-alone line.
The Flat Note
The flat note is used to show that the pitch of the note should be lowered by half a step. Notice how it looks like a lowercase letter “b.” This symbol is typically found in music sheet for piano and guitar. One of the most important things about identifying music notes is being able to spot sharps and flats quickly.