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Category: Musical Instruments


The Most Popular Music Subgenres

Genres are groups of songs that share a set of characteristics and performance practices. While the phrases’ musical form and musical style are sometimes used interchangeably in practice, it is distinct from these other musical concepts. Genre: Rock Rock, often called rock and roll, is a kind of popular music that emerged in the United States […]


Expert Popular Music Concepts for Performers

Need some inspiration with your Music Video? Awesome! You’ve come to the correct place because we’re going to tell you about a few of the greatest and also most innovative video clip ideas for both novices and professionals. Recording in a One-Room Music Studios The musicians can also film their songs in the same room. […]


Effective Practice of Musical Instruments

When we play an instrument, our brain trains visual, auditory and motor skills, and simultaneously engages our emotions, an exceptional situation which can be described as a firework of the brain. There are different tips and tricks that make our practice more effective and fun. Such as Practicing a piece backward and many more.
