Credit cards are the most common payment method for online shopping. If you need more information about your credit card, the YouReviewIt website has loads of tutorials for various credit cards use.
Amazon has been a leading eCommerce store for years and has a lot of benefits for shoppers. Amazon is a company that has been in the business of selling goods online since 1994. It was founded by Jeff Bezos and started to sell books but now it sells just about everything including your favorite song.
In this post, we are going to cover how to purchase a song listed on Amazon with the use of credit cards.
How to Buy a Song on Amazon with a Credit Card
Follow these 6 easy steps to navigate your way through Amazon to purchase your favorite song.
Step 1. Login to Your Amazon Account
Amazon allows you to sign up for an account or login to your existing account with your email address, password, and phone number.
If you have an Amazon account, you can use it to purchase goods from the company’s website as well as other retailers who use Amazon’s platform for their e-commerce sites. You can also use your Amazon account for shopping on other websites by using the “Login and Pay with Amazon” button on other retail sites.
Step 2. Search for the Song You Want to Buy in the Search Bar
You can search for a song by its title, artist, or album.
1) Type in the name of a song or artist and click on “Search”. This will bring up a list of songs that match your search criteria.
2) If you want to buy an album instead of just one song, type in “album:” followed by the name of the album and click on “Search”. This will bring up all songs from that album.
Step 3. Click on “Buy” or “Add to Cart” on the Right-hand Side of the Screen
Once you have selected your song from the search results, you can buy the song immediately on Amazon. Or Add the song to your cart and purchase it later.
Step 4. Once You Add an Item to Your Cart and Scroll Down You Will See an Option for Paying With Credit Card
Once you add an item to your cart, you will see an option for paying with a credit card. The option to pay with a credit card is available once you add an item to your cart and scroll down.
Step 5. Click on “Pay with Credit Card” and Select Your Method of Payment
The payment method can be selected by clicking on “Pay with Credit Card” and select the desired option.
Step 6. Complete Your Transaction by Entering Your Correct Credit Card Info and Submit Order
Enter your credit card information and click on “Submit Order” to complete your transaction.
What is the purpose of this section?
-The purpose of this section is to inform the user that they are about to submit their order.
-The user will enter their credit card information and then click on “Submit Order” to complete the transaction.
Read also: The Music Industry: Making The Leap To Digitization
Why use credit cards on Amazon?
There are many reasons to use credit cards on Amazon. It is easy to use and can be used in many countries. It also offers protection with buyer protection in the case of an item not arriving or not being as described.